Views : 117
Update time : 2024-03-05 14:05:03

What is camellia oil
Camellia oil is cold pressed from the seeds of Camellia oleifera which is a flowering plant. The seeds are pressed to make the tea seed oil. Each bottle of Camellia Oil takes 8 years to produce, from seed to harvest to cold-press. The camellia oil has more omega-3 fatty acids than olive oil. I love cooking with olive oil but the flavor can be pretty strong for some recipes which is why an alternative such as camellia oil with a light and subtle taste is helpful for some dishes.
Why to use camellia oil for cooking
Camellia oil can be a great choice for stir-fry dishes because it has one of the highest smoke points of any edible oil. It is cholesterol free with no trans fats. It is high in antioxidants called catechins which are similar to green tea which can help to lower blood pressure and promote vascular health. Camellia oil has vitamin E, vitamin A as well as B vitamins. Pairing this nutrient-packed oil with delicious vegetables and lean proteins makes for a wonderful meal.

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